February 27, 2017 | Оrganizers
Gamesys Entertainment – a company of professional organizers in the field of eSports. They start it’s history in May 2016, when the first tournament in the festival “Kyiv Comic Con” was held.
Since then, Gamesys team works hard to continually please the players new activities. The organization aims to not only get people to play the prize pool between them, and make the event unique and memorable. This is the main principle of the company: “We organize not just a tournament, and spectacular show.”
Target audience events – amateurs, for which the organization helps to get into the big eSports. Priority Gamesys team goal is the full development of e-sports in Ukraine and to attract new people into it. So, in each tournament can participate anybody, while all activities are accompanied by a show program and have a prize fund to reward the best of the best.
The plans of the organization, not only the development of classical computer eSports, but also the introduction of new types of virtual events, such as mobile gaming and gaming in virtual reality.
Learn more about Gamesys, visit: http://gamesys.club/