Apple bought Beddit

Apple acquired the Beddit company – a startup that produces sensors that measure a person’s performance while he sleeps, reports CNBC. On Monday, the company notified users that the data collected from them will already be processed against the policy of the giant from Cupertino.

The Beddit sensor is a thin rectangular device that users put into bed. When connected to an application installed on a smart clock or iPhone, it controls the activity of the user’s heart, the time in which he wakes up, and whether he snores. On the basis of these data, he calculates the result by which the quality of sleep is judged, and can awaken a person at the “optimal” time.

Apple Watch users have long wanted similar functionality built into the device, and Beddit application was one of the ways to get it.

At the end of last year with the release of the second series of watches, Apple changed its marketing strategy and began to advertise them with an emphasis on health and sports. This move brought the company from Cupertino twice as much sales for the first quarter of this year compared with the same period last year.

According to rumors, Apple will continue to work in this direction and may even add a method for tracking blood sugar levels.
