February 27, 2017 | News
We all know that computers and information technology in general are inextricably linked to human life. We wake up with “smart” mobile phone, during the day we are using tablets and laptops, returning home again sit down at the computer. It can not be that so much information had no effect on the body and the human psyche.
So what should be afraid of people today?
For psychologists more and more often treated parents with requests to help the child, which delayed the online game. Not only child, many adults and old people need help of this kind. Man wants to play, he/she wants adventure, excitement, and it is immersed in the game world, not paying attention to time. Hence the anger and hatred of the real people who are prevented to go next level.
Psychologists and psychiatrists are in disarray. They treat, prescribe psychotropic drugs. But unfortunately, the treatment effect is temporary.
Online games is a modern drug, that causes addiction. During the course of the game there is a injection of pleasure hormones. I kill, hit, beat or won – enjoyed. Man wants to be a winner at least in the virtual world. As a consequence, a huge dependence.
In order to save people from gambling in the first place to divert it from the computer by any means. If it is a child, then offer him an interesting work, visit the appropriate age activities, read, watch a movie together. If in such trouble is your husband or wife, diversify family, arrange a romantic dinner, a tour, a walk. The main purpose – is to return a person to real life and build a correct opinion about computer games.
The horror is that people do not want to take the truth. The computer can ruin lives, embroil relatives and even lead to murder and suicide. But the skillful and properly handled use of computer can help to learn, and to make a career and earn, and positively influence in people!
So let’s go out more often from the virtual world and does not forget how beautiful is the real world.